The Press Plan 

The Press Plan is a strategy that provides Americans the tools required to create a positive effect on the direction of our country. Americans have sat idle for too long. Many have been incorrectly led to believe that voting, over and over again for the same groups that are failing us, is the most we should be doing, or worse, some aren't doing anything since they've been fooled into thinking that making a difference is too difficult or requires too much work, but every day Americans are realizing that they must participate to secure our future. Unfortunately, most people aren't sure what they can do to make a difference. The Press Plan provides a clear strategy with the activities that every American can and must do if ensuring their family's future is important to them. You don't have to quit your job or riot in the streets either, because making a difference is easier than you may think.

Beardsley Doctrine
The Press Plan Video

This Video describes provides a clear strategy with the activities that every American can and must do if ensuring their family's future is important to them.


Candidate Checklist

The Press Plan's strategy to improve your future...

Participate In Political Action 

Realign Your Finances

Educate Yourself  & Your Family

Secure Your Future

Support Enforcers

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